Every employee who abandons you loses thousands of Euro's and even more to your organization! Employee satisfaction surveys in most leading organizations in the economy show that the main reasons for employee abandonment are managerial attitude, unprofessional recruitment and training process

Important things to know when starting to recruit employees
Having trouble recruiting good employees?
Hiring irrelevent Employees?
Spending high amounts precious time on unnecessary training?
Your new employees are leaving and you don't know why?
If you answered yes to one or more of the questions above, we are probably meant to work together.
What will you get from us?
- Diagnosing the existing recruitment process
- A recruitment plan tailored to your organization
- Help find new recruiting sources
- Build a recruitment plan and candidate profile
- Training for implementing the process in the field
- Recruitment and training Corridor - A unique process that allows the employee to be absorbed in the work most efficiently
- Substantial reduction in the abandonment of new employees
- Emplpyer branding and recruitment procedures
Learn together how to interview and choose the best professionals
- Build a recruitment profile according to the job requirements
- What questions to ask?
- How does a candidate feel comfortable and open?
- True or False - How to test truths in a job interview
- How to analyze candidate answers
- How to check a previous employer recommendation
Our added value
- 10 years of experience recruiting over 1000 employees in all
- Perform over 1000 interviews and diagnostic processes
- Easy and simple program to implement
- Personal accompaniment and excellent service
- The content can be tailored to any organization or field
A word from Roy
Having conducted over a thousand interviews with employees and managers in a variety of fields such as technology, marketing, finance, sales and more, I can say with certainty that the experience and knowledge I have gained will enable you to avoid costly mistakes. I will reducde recrutiment costs for your business and improve the quality and retention for new and senior employees.
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