New hiring procedures and new job training are usually the Achilles factor of many small businesses and organizations. How do i train employees and keep them in the company? The answers in the article below

Impact of ineffective retention procedure
In of the companies where I worked, an employee took me into the training process beyond the scenes: "They gave me a mentor to personally train me. I was pleased at first because I had been taking the process very seriously. In practice ,when I met him he gave me a booklet of 150 pages and told me to learn The booklet and in a week's time I would have a test. At that moment I realized that I had committed professional suicide. No one checked that I was really mentored. I was afraid to tell the managers of the company because I was new and did not want to make problems. During the course of the booklet I did not understand many things, but did not feel comfortable to ask or consult. It took me 3 Months to fully enter the position, when in practice I could take up the position within a month".
Talking about this procedures (and many others like him) we can draw a lot of conculusion, but the key thing to me is that even when there is an initiation or training process, it does not mean that it is proper, working and effective.
In this article, I will cover the subject of training and retention while trying to provide effective tools for a new employee in an organization or small business.
What is employee training and retention?
Every new job, whether in a new organization or a different job in the current workplace, requires a training and mentoring process. And for those who wondered, yes , this is a process that is important to plan and review in order to produce effective results . Many workplaces carry out excellent planning and control processes with the smallest details being covered in a wide variety of subjects, but when training processes are usually entrusted to the employee he or she are being "put to the job" directly, without making sure that the new employee receives all the tools needed to do his job.
Why it is important to build an orderly initiation process
In the example I gave at the beginning of the article, we learn about two months delay in entering a full-time job. That is, if the employee began to perform his job, but did not do so at 100% capacity, because there were no tools and knowledge needed to perform his job. Imagine a small business with 5 employees. When one of them leaves and recruits a replacement , one-fifth of the workforce does not function properly. The goal of the business is to make sure that those 20% of the workforce get into full-time work as soon as possible. Now imagine a 200- employee organization with 10 employees changing a month. True it is a big business and its absorption is much capacity greater than small business and yet, every month 10% by virtue of your work force is being replaced. That means that an effective, controlled and planned initiation and training process can save the company tens and even hundreds of EURO'S a year.
Employee and managerial apprenticeship processes
In building an employee training process, the most important thing is actually the apprenticeship and their commitment to the subject. Appointing a manager for the training process allows the manager to know how to "train" his employee and preapare him for the job. If the selected organization attunement process outstanding work / seniority, etc, to perform the processes of initiation, it is important that they undergo training workshop for tutoring and feedback.
As part of the process, it is important to have control nodes and thinking processes to improve and upgrade the initiation process.
Examples of processes that can be put into an orderly initiation procedure:
- Mentoring program contains training materials , dates and times , names of instructors, etc. "
- A neat guide booklet for the mentor and the educator
- Roundtables and personal conversations with inaugurators to ensure satisfaction with the training process and effective learning
- Topical and practical knowledge tests
- Professional training for mentors
- In large organizations - an external factor that controls the process . In a small business - if the business owner is the mentor - it is important to share one of the skilled employees who will watch and provide feedback on the initiation process as seen from his eyes
- Self-study - Those who do not drive the vehicle do not remember the way back . It is important to let the educator learn some of the material himself . Of course, it is important to allow him easy access to questions in order to understand the material best
- On the job training- It is very important to incorporate a large part of the training process during the work itself , for example : a telephone sales representative will pass a large part of the training when he listens to calls and makes calls himself . A clothing store salesman will accompany his teammate . Lawyer accompany his mentor meetings and court etc . Field training requires follow-up and learning forms to ensure that the relevant material is learned and training is progressing in the desired direction.
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