Sales have no shortcuts. If you want to learn you have to practice. In this article, I will review 10 tips and sales practices that will help you sell more. Throughout proper sales training process, the sky is the limit

A shortcut for learning sales
As a sales coach and business consultant, I often attend workshops and training sessions to enrich my knowledge. This way i can deliver greater professional value to my clients. Often, I come to a workshop or lecture that, at the beginning, is very promising to improve or change your life, doubling your business revenue, learning sales techniques you've never seen, business training at another level and many more good ones. I, too, used to sin for these places and realized that as the size of the expectation - the size of the disappointment.
Several years ago one of my video editing friends showed me how to edit movies. I saw that the demon was not terrible and I started making movies for family members. After 3 months of video editing, I continued to envy my friends' abilities. The level at which the films were made by him was significantly higher than mine. Is he more talented in editing? Could be, but not sure. What is certain is that he has 5 years of experience in video editing on a daily basis.
Before giving you the tips on how to sell more, it is important for me to make clear expectations and disappoint all those looking for shortcuts. A good salesman is a professional, just like my friend who works in video editing. It takes years of experience and training to reach the level I reached and it doesn't happen in one day. Which is to say for sure, anyone who is committed to a change process and wants to learn the art of selling can significantly improve their sales capabilities in a relatively short period of time. The time period varies from person to person, but anyone who comes with motivation is sure to improve!
10 Tips To Help You Sell More
Performing any trick or sales method usually has two key elements:
- What i say
- How do I say it
Since each of you is a different person and sells a different product, it is important to understand that professional sales training neededs to best apply these sales techniques.
These techniques are suitable for telephone salespeople, door to door sales, call center sales agents, salesmen in a clothing store, lawyer or physician who wants to bring more clients to his business, a marketing person who also wants to sell, somoene who wants to work from home and anyone who wants to improve his persuasiveness.
- Clear conversation structure - Sales studies are not an exact science. And yet a neat conversation structure will keep you from thinking too much about "what I say" and focus on "how I say it." Obviously, every call is different from its predecessors and it is not possible to write a call structure or script that will contain all options. The purpose of the script is to give the "anchor" a call. Every time we talk, we will refurbish the script to improve sales
- Always Prepare - When the customer raises resistance, I usually come across two types of salespeople:
- The salesperson knows the objections in advance and answers them automatically without thinking because "he has heard it so many times"
- The "creative" sales person who always gives a different responseI recommend you is very simple. Prepare a page beforehand with all the common objections raised by customers. Build a script that suits you in dealing with resistance and practice it with co-workers, friends or family. Answering the vending machine without thinking or improvising each time is not the best way for me to handle resistance
- Listen to the customer - the sales person is perceived in some circles as "always talking", aggressive and not silent for a second. Not only does the salesperson type shown here reflect all salespeople, I do not believe this is the right way to sell. A sales call to a customer has certain conditions that must apply for maximus success. We can only meet those conditions if we understand what the customer wants. We can only do this if we listen to what he says and what he does, by hearing his voice, hesitations, the things he omits, etc.
- Ask questions - Clarifying customer needs is very important in the sales process. I came across many salespeople who, at the beginning of the conversation, tell how much their company is prestigious and veteran in the market. Maybe the customer thinks a prestigious and old company will charge him a very expensive price? Before "shooting", it is important to know what the customer needs are
- Lead the conversation with them - many interpret a conversation necessarily as "I talk a lot and the customer speaks a little," but in reality it is not. Leading a conversation means getting the customer to ask the questions we want him to ask. Promote the call to close and get the customer to say he wants to purchase etc.
- Start at a high price - you can always lower the price. You can't raise it after you've given a low price. Higher price brands your product / service in a higher place. Lowering the price when done correctly (as I will explain in the next section) makes the customer feel that he has received an excellent product at a low price
- Price reduction always has a reason - when we walk into the clothing store in the mall, we usually see a wheel with discounted clothing. Typically, a caption like this will read: "Only the end of season is 99 EURO." A meter away from the wheel (maybe two feet in a large store) will be the jeans that are on the shelf. Their price tag is 200 EURO. The psychological effect is clear and immediate - we want and prefer to have the jeans at 200 EURO, but it is expensive for us. We might decide to buy it and maybe not. What I can tell you for sure is that a week or two ago, the same 100 EURO jeans was also on the shelf at 200. The jeans are not worn, broken or torn, it is simply at the end of the season. This is the store's way of getting rid of the excess inventory without cheapening its products. Imagine that the jeans for 99 were on the same shelf with their friends for 349. The seller would get a ton of questions, trying to figure out why jeans that look almost the same are sold at a 350% gap.If you always lower your price make sure there is a reason!
- Be fair - a customer who buys a product when unaware of all the details, the chances of returning the product and canceling the deal are particularly high. In such cases, there is A waste of time, damage to business reliability and also legal claims
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