If you are not there you do not exist! Almost every successful organization today has a service and sales call center whose proper management significantly increases the company's profits. So how do you build it successfully?

Call center, Telemeeting, service, client retention - what is the difference
The call center phenomena in United states, Israel and West Europe began to gain momentum in the 1990s, thanks in large part to the rapid development of the Internet field and global approach of every organization The opening of the home and cellular telephony market to aggresive competition has enabled many organizations and businesses to establish telemarketing centers. That way they could market their services and products at relatively low costs and get a high return on investment. If in the past complicated and expensive systems were needed, today the call centers are managed in the cloud, enabling even those who do not come from the field, the possibility to establish a sales center or telephone service can be more accessible to its existing and potential handlers and customers.
Who should set up a Call Center?
Any organization or business that can increase profitability or improve service by doing so. You can also provide service or support on such a scale that does not allow a only a single person to respond. There is no limit to it's size. There are 2-3 people call centre and hundreds and thousands of people as well. The following are examples of areas that call centers use today: telecommunications, insurance, tourism, automotive, medicine, investment, urban centers, government companies and more. There are now hardly any organizations or companies that do not have a call center.
Establishing a hotline for promotion, telemarketing and telemarketers - how to do it right
For each type of call center, there are tools that vary according to the circumstances, for example: The work procedures for establishing a telecommunications call center will be different from the work procedures at a telemarketing sales center or a call center that provides external telemarketing services. You can set up a call center:
In-house - A focus that will be set up and managed directly by your organization or business.
Outsource - Hiring an external reseller to run and manage the sales/service for your organization. This is usually done when the organization or business wants to save operating costs, company administrative resources, or does not have the knowledge how to manage the call center. In large organizations, it is customary in some cases to hire several marketers at the same time and to create competition among them.
Types of major call centers
- Call Center (Incoming Calls) - A call center for sales of incoming calls. That is, sales representatives usually do not work on leads, but receive incoming calls from customers who want to hear details about the company's products and services. In many cases (as needed), outbound calls, service calls, support calls, etc.
- Telemarketing Hotline - A hotline based primarily on outbound sales calls for marketing the company's products and services. Sales representatives receive customer leads and place calls to make a sale. There are different types of fields you can have here as well for example:
- Telemitting hotline - This focus is usually focused on scheduling meetings. The meetings can be a coordination for field sales people, a technician coordination or a customer service representative, etc. In this kind of focus, it is customary to work with CRM systems for meeting coordination
- Customer Service Call Center - This type of call center can receive incoming service calls and also return to customers leaving details on your website or social networks
- Technical Support Call Center - This call center handles technical malfunction inquiries into the company's products and services. Sometimes this call center also requires telemitting to coordinate a technician in the customer's home
- Human Answering Center (secretary) - Provides answering services to businessmen and managers without having to hire a secretary. The hotline answers several businesses at the same time and takes messages for service applicants
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Important tips in call center development and development
- Work plan- Setting up a call center is not a simple job. There are many elements to consider and prepare in advance. Build a clear work plan. It is advisable to hire the services of a professional consultant in the field if you do not know the subject in depth
- Data Measurement - One of the most important elements of the call center is the data center measurement. Data such as: call time, closing rates, ARPU, amount of incoming and outgoing calls, amount of hours per shift, and more, allow managers to make decisions and make changes that can significantly upgrade the focus on profitability. For accurate data measurement, it is important to use support systems according to the focus needs
- Work Procedures - Every call center must build in advance clear work procedures. When to forward a call to the manager, what script is used and when, What prices we can give to the customer in specific situations, when to get a special approval etc.
- Payroll model - At every call center, it is important to make sure you build a kicker model for salespeople and managers. The model must incentivize the agetns and motivate them to increase profitability in the call center according to the needs of the organization
- Leads - Leads are the engine of every sales center. When the leads are not of high quality or when there is a shortage of leads and the sales representatives have no one to call, dismotivation can be created that will hurt the sales representatives and significantly reduce profitability. You can get impressive leads, online publications, dedicated companies, affiliates and more. The type of leads and their cost varies according to the organization and products sold
- Shift and call center management - most call centers have (and should have) clear role definitions for each manager. For example: In the hotline there is a shift manager who is usually responsible for the ongoing management of the shift and a team manager who manages the delegates directly. Roles and settings vary by organization needs, type of calls, call center size, etc.
- CRM - The agents in the hotline work with a CRM system that allows them to record the calls, make a sale, coordinate a technician, charge / credit or any other required action. The CRM systems are also used by managers to monitor and monitor delegates
- Telephony system and router calls - to set up from