Many entrepreneurs start a business with a good idea, thinking that this is the most important thing. In practice, 40,000 businesses are closed every year in Israel. Apparently, many of them had a good idea, but apparently their plan and performance were less successful then their idea

How do i prepare a proffesional business plan for my business?
A business plan is the brain of the business. Before executing, it's important to plan first. Many business plan formats can be found on the network, but in practice, content varies (and needs to vary) by business type, financing, business owners, etc.
Through a quick brain storming with professionals it is usually possible to make an initial decision on whether to proceed with the idea or understand it's flaws.
What is important for a business plan?
- Executive summary (intended primarily for investors)
- Business vision
- Product description
- Market description
- Financial Plan (Loss Profit)
- The business model and strategy
- Goals and Objectives
- Main work processes
- Description of competitors and marketing plan
- Work plan with tasks and dates to execute
What will you get from us?
- A detailed business plan that will allow you to set up the business best
- Potential for profit in your business
- Comprehensive overview of competitors
- Financial plan and costs
- Pricing recommendations
- Differentiation relative to competitors
- Location recommendations
- Marketing plan
- Training and guidance for the implementation of the program
Why us?
- Simple solutions for every small business
- Customizing the Solution to a Business - Recommend only what customers bring to your business
- Heartfelt service
- Years of experience and expertise in consulting and building business plans