You have a very broad professional knowledge and you start a business that you think that will go to glory. The service is excellent, the products are of high quality and everything looks perfect. Only one thing is missing - customers. So how do you deal with the biggest challenge in small business?

How can we get more leads thourgh versitle methods
A friend of mine explained to me how to recruit clients for a business
You start a new business or own a small business and get stuck. You picked up the phone for a friend or someone you know and asked him how to get customers. What’s the problem - Post on Facebook or bring in a marketing agency and they’ll take care of you customers. We go to work and pay thousands of Dollars and nothing moves. The budget is running out and the leads are barely coming or they are not of high quality and we are left with less money in the pocket but without customers. At this point most of us surrender and close the business or are persuaded by the marketing agency to spend more money, which usually results in the same result.
So how do you do the right customer search and increase the pool of potential customers in the business
Before giving you practical tools, it is important to understand the most important thing - it takes time and usually does not work well from the beginning. It takes a lot of patience, experimenting with a wide variety of methods and most often investing money to get results. Any of you who thought business marketing was easy or someone else would do the job for him - the reality is a little different.
How do you get customers into a business?
Facebook Sponsored Promotion - It is true that I promoted Facebook as an example that does not work, because everyone is posting on Facebook today. It is becoming increasingly difficult to get leads through Facebook and the costs are getting more expensive. This is still one tool that can be used to bring customers into the business.
Who is it good for? - Most businesses, but most often it will work for cheaper service providers and / or products sold on the network. Can and does work for other businesses of all kinds, but not always works and also depends on how and where they advertiser.
how to do it? It's easy to learn how to use Facebook's advertising interface, but getting involved takes time. There are free online courses or physical courses offered by many companies. If you are already paying, it is best to go to classes in the classroom where you can ask questions and learn properly rather than an online course which is cheap, but sometimes you will get out of it without really understanding things in depth.
Organic Promotion on Facebook - After setting up a business page on Facebook and a website, you can advertise your services and products in different groups for free and bring customers to your site or purchase your products
Who is it good for? For all types of businesses. Expensive products and services will usually work less well, but depending on where and how advertisers are.
how to do it? Join many Facebook groups by topic and post each time in other groups at different times - promotions, professional content, etc.
LinkedIn - Great for making business connections between business owners or between business owner and customer. It is recommended to create a rich profile and where you can contact people by their profession, the company they work for, etc.
Who is it good for? Less suitable for consumer products and is used primarily by the service provider industry to get acquainted with other business owners, organizations that may be consuming our services and more.
how to do it? Open a LinkedIn account and contact our prospects after filtering through the options on the site. You can search my account: Roei Barak and use it as example.
Collaborations - When starting a business, one of the best ways to get customers is to collaborate with similar businesses. There are many businesses in the field that have surplus customers and are willing that a similar business owner handle some of their customers for a fee. Or you can contact different people that come in touch with what might be your potential clients.
Who is it good for? - All Businesses.
how to do it? Websites similar to ours, go online, apply and offer collaboration. It's important to get ready with business direction.
Phone Book - Many of us don't think about it, but our phone book is a business treasure. Anyone who has been with you in the military, worked with you in a certain place or you met a few years ago and just exchanging phones is a business partner and a potential customer. Don't be ashamed, pick him up or call her, and at the maximum they won't tell you, if you do, it's a much faster ticket
Who is it good for? Any business.
how to do it? Open your phone book and start dialing. By the way, you can also look on Facebook and contact friends we do not have in the phone book and maybe they can help.
Databases - Databases can be purchased online from a variety of companies in a wide range of fields.
Who is it good for? - Any business.
how to do it? Search Google or take details as a recommendation, buy a list of customers by filter and start dialing.
Waze Advertising - Yes, there is such a thing. Your business can be advertised in Waze to attract customers to reach you. You can advertise based on the current location of customers who are close to your business.
Who is it good for? Only for businesses whose location is physical and most often sells an instantly purchased product - such as: food, clothing, etc.
How to do it? Subscribe to Waze advertising interface online, enter budget and guidelines, and start posting,
Taboola / Outbrain - For those who are unfamiliar, these are interfaces that share your professional content on leading sites as sponsored content and bring quality traffic to your site.
Who is it good for? Expensive and does not bring immediate results, but quality when successful. Therefore, it is suitable for service providers and products that are sold at relatively expensive prices.
How to do it? Go to the Tabulla or Outbrain website, sign up for the interface and launch a budget campaign of your choice.
Hire a Business Development Manager - This is a professional who knows how to bring clients by type of business and this is their specialty.
Who is it good for? Because it's a high-cost monthly job, it's suitable for businesses that can pay back the cost with profit after success.
How to do it? You can search for a job ad, Facebook, Google etc. and prepare the requirements for what you are looking for in advance.
Business Consultant - There are great business consultants who will guide you in the right direction and give you ideas on how to get more clients into your business.
Who is it good for? Any business.
How to do it? It is recommended to bring a consultant through recommendations and if you have chosen over the internet, please check the consultant's website and see that he has content, knowledge and professional experience to bring you clients.
Flyers - Yes, it still works. Design and ordering can easily be done over the Internet.
Who is it good for? Most often for the food and retail business.
How to do it? You can design and order over the Internet and distribute in areas close to your business.
Google - The business can be advertised with Google-sponsored promotion.
Who is it good for? Because of the high price per lead - it is usually suitable for businesses where there is no competition and therefore the price is cheap, or for businesses that can through the sales repay the high costs per lead.
How to do it? Complex to perform independently and expensive. You can study in the course or over the internet but it is better to contact a company that will do for us.
Conferences - You can set up a conference on your own or attend conferences in the field and get to know potential customers and collaborations.
Who is it good for? All types of businesses, but more for service providers.
How to do it? You can find conferences in many areas in Google and register. For an independent conference, this is a complex program that I will not elaborate on in this article, but it is a great option.
Business Groups (Networking) - There are many groups that meet regularly - Group members refer clients and help each other
Who is it good for? All Businesses
How to do it? Search for a suitable group online, sign up and attend meetings.
Online Hunting - You can search Google for companies or businesses that can be collaborations or customers, log on to their website and try to get contact information.
Who is it good for? All businesses, especially service providers.
How to do it? Search Google and connect.
About the writer
Roy Barak is a business consultant that specializes in marketing, sales and human resources. In his past, he served in senior management positions at leading companies in the global economy.
Roy has helped and continues to serve dozens of business owners, organizations and companies.